
While many people enjoy the study of Jewish philosophy, "to study the philosophy without doing anything about it doesn’t bring the philosophy to its purpose," he underscored. "We see the six hundred and thirteen commandments as a manifestation of God’s will in the physical world. And the Torah, the body of knowledge which tells us how to do the commandments, is a manifestation in this world of God’s intellect. We unify ourselves with that intellectually through the study of his Torah and, more spiritually, through the fulfillment of his commandments — mitzvahs — by doing these actual deeds."

"Mitzvahs are. . . ?" I questioned.

"Mitzvah means commandment, but philosophically it means the bond of unification, a connection between man and God. The relationship is like six hundred and thirteen pieces of twine that all tie together into one rope. Each one of these little thin strands represents one piece of twine and they all link together and become one. So, this is what binds us, connects us, with God — the six hundred thirteen commandments.

Spiritual Potential




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